Statsligt forskningsinstitut
IUNG-PIB er en videnskabelig forskningsenhed under ministeriet for landbrug og udvikling af landdistrikter i Polen. Instituttets hovedsæde ligger i det historiske Czartoryski-familiepalads i Puławy. Instituttet består af 11 videnskabelige afdelinger og 11 landbrugsforskningsstationer fordelt over hele Polen. Hovedområderne for IUNG's forskning er: jordvidenskab og jordkartografi; agro-meteorologisk forskning, gødskning og gødningsstyring; jordbearbejdning og sædskifteforvaltning, afgrødedyrkning, foderafgrøder, energiafgrøder, bioøkonomi; organisation og økonomi i afgrødeproduktion; reduktion af drivhusgasemissioner; evaluering af virkningerne af den fælles landbrugspolitik; regulering af ukrudtsangreb på landbrugsafgrøder; avl og dyrkning af humle og tobak; udvalgte emner inden for landbrugsmikrobiologi og biokemi.
IUNG-PIB is involved in several work packages of the project. We will be conducting work in a number of directions. In this project we will be mainly responsible for replication in the implementation of the developed innovations among willing farmers. In cooperation with farmers and stakeholders, we will organise trainings to increase efficient biogas production in Poland and the EU (T5.2). Secondly, we will monitor the impact of agricultural systems related to biogas production and the obtained fertilisers on the environment, biodiversity and soil quality (T4.1.2). We will help to collect data on and the needs of farmers. We will participate in the identification of barriers as well as opportunities for the development of biogas plants in our country and gather a group of farmers interested in biogas and renewable energy production (T1.1). We will also actively disseminate the project results to a general audience (WP6).