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Get all the postsThe Value4Farm project joins AREA ZERO: a network of various European projects focused on promoting sustainable farming practices…
Meer lezenIn early November 2024, Magnus Kamau Katana Lindhardt and Maryam Rahimi Jahangirlou from Aarhus University attended the 3rd AgriVoltaics Conference in Vienna (Austria)…
Meer lezenAs part of European Biomethane Week, the European Biogas Association (EBA) organised its yearly Conference in Brussels on…
Meer lezenOn 1st October 2024 Value4Farm partner Orkídea organised a meeting with key stakeholders from the agricultural and horticultural…
Meer lezenEngaging with other EU funded projects is a vital element of Value4Farm´s dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy. Orkídea…
Meer lezenFrom September 11th to 12th, the Value4Farm team came together in Viborg, Denmark, for their second consortium meeting…
Meer lezenThe World Biogas Association (WBA), the University of Reading and ORKIDEA had the opportunity to present the Value4Farm…
Meer lezenFrom 3 to 5 June 2024, the VIII Scientific Conference of the series “Science and Practice – Agriculture…
Meer lezenWe are glad to share that yesterday (26 June 2024), Alice Maunchline and Julian Park from Value4Farm’s partner…
Meer lezenDear readers, We’re delighted to share with you the summary of the Value4Farm’s presentation campaign we’ve been running…
Meer lezenDenmark platform of the Value4Farm and HyPErFarm EU projects are bustling with activity, all geared towards reducing the…
Meer lezenOn the 15th and 16th of May 2024, Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, Sveinn Aðalsteinsson and Magnús Yngvi Jósefsson from Value4Farm’s…
Meer lezenOn the 8th of May 2024, Value4Farm’s partner, the University of Reading, attended the Waitrose Farming Conference which…
Meer lezenThe Seminar on the Possibilities of Applying Renewable Energy Sources Biomass & Biogas 2024, held on April 18,…
Meer lezenIn the intricate world of research projects, meticulous attention to detail is paramount for ensuring reliability and long-term…
Meer lezenWork Package 1, lead by the University of Reading and aiming to define the framework & requirements to…
Meer lezenWe are thrilled to share that a strong representation from Inagro and Orkídea attended the ManuREsource2024 Conference on…
Meer lezenThe new edition of Biogas Italy, the event of Value4Farm’s partner CIB (Italian Biogas Consortium) dedicated to the…
Meer lezenWe are glad to share that recently, Value4Farm’s project was covered by a Nyt om Får’s article! This magazine is run…
Meer lezenWe are happy to share that this week, Value4Farm’s partner Aarhus University had the opportunity to present our…
Meer lezenPart of a biogas plant in the Netherlands. Photo: Orkidea. Orkídea is participating in the Value4Farm project, that…
Meer lezenLast Friday saw the conclusion of the first Consortium Meeting of the innovative Value4Farm project! Our 14-partners Consortium was glad to get…
Meer lezenIn the quest for sustainable agriculture, agroecology takes center stage, focusing on nature-inclusive and regenerative systems for food,…
Meer lezenDear Readers, We are taking advantage of the launch of our website to republish a press release from…
Meer lezenWe are thrilled to welcome you on our freshly launched website! Bringing together 14 partners from 10 European…
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