Boosting the impact of Value4Farm in Iceland

Orkidea´s Director Sveinn Aðalsteinsson presenting Value4Farm at a workshop organised by the BIO2REG team

Engaging with other EU funded projects is a vital element of Value4Farm´s dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy. Orkídea is continually looking for opportunities for dialogue and collaborations with EU funded projects in Iceland that share similar ambitions. Recent examples include an invitation to participate in a workshop organized by the European BIO2REG project. The project has an Icelandic partner and is designed to help greenhouse gas-intensive economies unlock their bioeconomy potential. The project encourages interregional exchange and cooperation, providing regional stakeholders with a conceptual framework for regionalisation in model regions. The workshop was an opportunity to share lessons learned and for Orkidea to promote its growing portfolio of projects including and especially the Value4Farm project. NATALIE is an EU funded Climate Adaptation Mission project also with an Icelandic partner. NATALIE implements 18 Nature Based Solutions across 6 bio-geographical regions, addressing climate risks like floods, droughts, and sea level rise contributing to the Mission’s goal of guiding at least 150 regions toward climate resilience. Orkidea has already had meetings with the NATALIE team in Iceland to explore prospects for collaboration. Both BIO2REG and NATALIE are helping Iceland address the problem of climate change from different perspectives with the Value4Farm project specifically promoting the production of bio fuels and fertiliser from agricultural waste. All three are looking forward to strengthening the dialogue and collaboration between the projects with the shared ambition to make Iceland more resilient to climate change and supporting the country´s transformation to environmentally and economically sustainable futures. For more on these collaborations and on how Orkidea is using Value4Farm as a springboard to increase the capacity of Iceland to address the climate challenge at the national, regional and local levels contact
