REM TEC – Italy

Type of Organisation

Private company


For more than 10 years, REM Tec has been a global leader in the innovation of agrivoltaic technologies. It has developed several patents registered worldwide, which make it possible to optimize the production of renewable energy and agricultural production. The objective of REM Tec is to enable our customers and partners to use our Agrovoltaico® technology for the development and construction of systems compatible with agriculture.

Role In The Project

In the european project Value4Farm, the role of REM Tec is to be involved in several WP, especially in the WP2. In the WP2, the aim is to develop protocols, and to conduct experiments as well as the elabporation of the results on our site in Virgilio (North of Italy). For the others tasks REM Tec will be involved in support to establish for example the farmergroup in WP1, the regulation framework in Italy.

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