CIB represents the Italian biogas and biomethane value chain. CIB aggregates farms with biogas and biomethane plants (821 members), industrial companies that supply technology (>250), research centers and associations. TARGET: Optimization of biogas value chain fostering an ecological agricultural intensification and increasing the resilience of farmers to ongoing climate change effects following the Biogasdoneright® model and Farming for future project.
CIB is involved in almost all the tasks of the project, making available its knowledge of the biogas sector and sharing the experience gained on the biogasdoneright model and the farming for future project. The main activities are in task T2.2.2: Protocols for the Mediterranean region, where CIB is responsible for delivering protocols for the production of crop feedstocks for anaerobic digestion. Furthermore, CIB is responsible for the open field tests of the Italian demosite