Work Package 1, lead by the University of Reading and aiming to define the framework & requirements to guide the project’s developments, has been successfully completed!

In this framework, 3 deliverables have been published.
First of all, the Report on farmers’ needs and decision support tool framework (D1.1) has been shared by the University of Reading. To produce it, partners of V4F conducted a questionnaire survey between November 2023 & January 2024, receiving responses from 170 farmers. This study aimed at mapping local farmers’ needs in terms of crop, energy demands, etc., and training & knowledge needs. Moreover, focus groups discussions were utilised to ascertain the expectation of farmers & stakeholders regarding a Decision Support Tool aimed at facilitating the implementation of the agricultural protocols designed.
Moreover, the Report on demonstrations’ specifications (D1.2) has been made available by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). By means of a questionnaire sent to Demonstration Leaders as well as of a literature review, this report provides us with key information about the environmental conditions of the demonstration sites. More specifically, data concerning the land, soil, climate types, farming systems, or technical requirements of these sites have been collected.
Finally, Value4Farm’s deliverable “D 1.3 Report on regulation framework analysis” has been published by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). This document consists of a literature review of the policy frameworks, both at EU on the one hand, and national and regional level on the other, that can regulate and stimulate the implementation of the innovative value chains developed, demonstrated and replicated by V4F.
Do not hesitate to explore these deliverables here, and to read the summaries of their key messages that we prepared for each one below!