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Get all the postsThe Value4Farm project joins AREA ZERO: a network of various European projects focused on promoting sustainable farming practices…
Continua a leggereIn early November 2024, Magnus Kamau Katana Lindhardt and Maryam Rahimi Jahangirlou from Aarhus University attended the 3rd AgriVoltaics Conference in Vienna (Austria)…
Continua a leggereAs part of European Biomethane Week, the European Biogas Association (EBA) organised its yearly Conference in Brussels on…
Continua a leggereOn 1st October 2024 Value4Farm partner Orkídea organised a meeting with key stakeholders from the agricultural and horticultural…
Continua a leggereEngaging with other EU funded projects is a vital element of Value4Farm´s dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy. Orkídea…
Continua a leggereFrom September 11th to 12th, the Value4Farm team came together in Viborg, Denmark, for their second consortium meeting…
Continua a leggereThe World Biogas Association (WBA), the University of Reading and ORKIDEA had the opportunity to present the Value4Farm…
Continua a leggereFrom 3 to 5 June 2024, the VIII Scientific Conference of the series “Science and Practice – Agriculture…
Continua a leggereWe are glad to share that yesterday (26 June 2024), Alice Maunchline and Julian Park from Value4Farm’s partner…
Continua a leggereDear readers, We’re delighted to share with you the summary of the Value4Farm’s presentation campaign we’ve been running…
Continua a leggereDenmark platform of the Value4Farm and HyPErFarm EU projects are bustling with activity, all geared towards reducing the…
Continua a leggereOn the 15th and 16th of May 2024, Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, Sveinn Aðalsteinsson and Magnús Yngvi Jósefsson from Value4Farm’s…
Continua a leggereOn the 8th of May 2024, Value4Farm’s partner, the University of Reading, attended the Waitrose Farming Conference which…
Continua a leggereThe Seminar on the Possibilities of Applying Renewable Energy Sources Biomass & Biogas 2024, held on April 18,…
Continua a leggereIn the intricate world of research projects, meticulous attention to detail is paramount for ensuring reliability and long-term…
Continua a leggereWork Package 1, lead by the University of Reading and aiming to define the framework & requirements to…
Continua a leggereWe are thrilled to share that a strong representation from Inagro and Orkídea attended the ManuREsource2024 Conference on…
Continua a leggereThe new edition of Biogas Italy, the event of Value4Farm’s partner CIB (Italian Biogas Consortium) dedicated to the…
Continua a leggereWe are glad to share that recently, Value4Farm’s project was covered by a Nyt om Får’s article! This magazine is run…
Continua a leggereWe are happy to share that this week, Value4Farm’s partner Aarhus University had the opportunity to present our…
Continua a leggerePart of a biogas plant in the Netherlands. Photo: Orkidea. Orkídea is participating in the Value4Farm project, that…
Continua a leggereLast Friday saw the conclusion of the first Consortium Meeting of the innovative Value4Farm project! Our 14-partners Consortium was glad to get…
Continua a leggereIn the quest for sustainable agriculture, agroecology takes center stage, focusing on nature-inclusive and regenerative systems for food,…
Continua a leggereDear Readers, We are taking advantage of the launch of our website to republish a press release from…
Continua a leggereWe are thrilled to welcome you on our freshly launched website! Bringing together 14 partners from 10 European…
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